Getting Started

Contact us to begin planning your degree. We look forward to hearing from you!

Ph: (251) 460-6263



Tuition and Fees

College is an investment. South offers an excellent value for your tuition dollar.

>>    Learn More about Tuition and Fees


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Apply online now to start your SOUTH experience, or come tour our beautiful campus.

>>    Learn More about Admissions


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Financial Aid

We are committed to providing student financial assistance to eligible students to help pay the costs associated with attending college.

>>    Learn More about Financial Aid


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At USA, we recognize the importance of a quality education and are dedicated to helping you find realistic and workable ways to achieve your higher education goals.

>>    Learn More about Scholarships



Veterans Affairs

We appreciate your service to our nation and we aim to facilitate your academic success by providing support, resources and information to assist you in your academic endeavors.

>>    Learn More about Veterans Affairs

 Additional Services