College of Engineering 区域V Required Courses


There are no additional requirements in Areas I-V for students majoring in 化学工程.

Please refer to 的 STARS guide for all requirements.  Also note: Only one half of 的 credit hours required for a degree may be transferred from a community college. While 的 total number of transfer hours will appear on 的 transcript, 的 academic department offering 的 major will determine how 的y may apply to 的 degree.


For more information regarding 的 degree in 化学工程, please consult 的 美国公告.

If you have questions about 化学工程, please contact:

Department of 化学工程
SH 4134
University of 南 Alabama
电话:al36688 -0002
Ph:  (251) 460-6160

For questions about Transfer 招生 contact 的 招生办公室 电话:(251)460-6141或  招生 guidelines for transfer students can also be found on 的 招生 网站.  For questions about transfer credit evaluations, contact 的 Office of 的 注册商 电话:(251)460-6251或

STARS Articulation Guide

Please print 的se pages. Fill in your name, signature, and today's 日期. 把这些 pages to your STARS articulation guide.


  姓名(打印): 最后:
  签名:   ________________________________________________________